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Sublime and Repress
Επιμέλεια: Alexander Mood
18 Μαΐου έως 27 Οκτωβρίου 2018

"Sublime and Repress" Δελτίο τύπου pdf icon

Alexander Mood (SWE), Remembrance, 2018, fine art print, 60 x 40 cm

Amélie Laurence Fortin (CAN), Self Portrait Triangle, 2018, Print, Inkjet on paper, 170x130 cm

Dan Lageryd (SWE), Kebab Dreams, 2017, video, 15 minutes. 1080p / Stereo

Annelie Wallin (SWE), Slimemold Adventures, Serie 2:2, 2017, Pigment printing on acid free cotton paper, 45x69,5 cm

Artemis Potamianou (GRE), The Unknown Masterpiece: Dona Isabel, 2014, mixed media, 39x29 cm

Mathieu Valade (CAN), Naturally Sophisticated: Gertrude Stein, 2018, Video

Hanna Marno (FIN), Megan laughing at her own death, 2017, Resin, wood, car paint, led-light

Juje Collective (CAN), Terrestrial Nautica, 2017, Prints

Petri Saarikko/Aukea (FIN), Aukea (Expanse), 2017, high definition photo prints, 60x40 cm

Ella Tahkolahti (FIN), Pantokrator, 2018, GO PRO- camera feed to 22” screen, black paint and canvas, platform sized 1x1m x 0,2m installed in a corner sized minimum 1 x 1 x 3m